Saturday, August 10, 2019

Who is The Stationary Gamer??

Hey, what’s up all my Stationary Gamers? It has been a long while since I have written anything about my gaming. However, I will not be talking about video games in this post but instead I will be talking to you all about who I am personally. So let’s get on with all the personal things you all should know about me (The Stationary Gamer).

1.     I am handicapped and am in a wheelchair. For those of you who do not know me personally need to know that I have been in a wheelchair for seven years. The reason for me being in a wheelchair is that I have muscular dystrophy. This disease has many forms but to simplify it the disease just makes my muscles very weak and tired. It has been a hassle living with this disease but it hasn’t ever broken me.

2.     I went to college. I went and graduated from Troy University in May of 2017. I studied Multimedia Journalism where I obtained a Bachelors of Science degree

3.     I am passionate about helping children and young adults with disabilities. Going off the first two points, I want to be a role model to children with disabilities. I want to be able to tell those children and young adults that they can do what other people can do and have a somewhat normal life. I went college and got a degree and want others with disabilities to understand that they can do it too.

4.     Classic Rock is my favorite genre of music. I love 80s’ classic rock the most. Band like: AC/DC, Motley Crue, Metallica, Guns N Roses, etc.

5.     I love sports especially baseball. Younger I was able to play baseball before my disease progressed. You can say it was my first love. My teams are the Atlanta Braves, Boston Redsox, and LA Dodgers. NFL: Dallas Cowboys and Atlanta Falcons. NBA: Boston Celtics and Dallas Mavericks. College Football: Troy Trojans and Georgia Bulldogs.

6.     I wanted to go to Culinary School. I’m a big boy and I love to eat so this goes hand and hand. Emeril Lagasse inspired me to cook because of his New Orleans flare. My favorite food to cook and eat is Cajun/creole. That’s your gumbos, jambalayas, po’boys (sandwiches), and many edible creations.

7.     Gameboy color got me hooked on video games. Donkey Kong Country crossing was my all time favorite game back then. Other games were Super Mario Brothers and Sonic

8.     I’m obsessed with Batman. I collect all things batman. ANYTHING Batman, I am all for it.

9.     Chewbacca is my spirit animal. I am a big burley man so I relate to Chewie on a spiritual level.

10.  I have an extreme fondness of getting to know people. I love getting to know people on a personal basis and having a deeper connection among each other. One reason why I went to school for journalism and another reason I love streaming video games. So come by stream and let us form some deep connections that can last a lifetime.