Sunday, June 18, 2017

Mass Effect Andromeda: Review

Traveling through space, making friends, getting planets to a livable standard while trying to kill an alien species from taking over galaxies is all expected in a Mass Effect game. However, Mass Effect: Andromeda took it to the next level.

As a child I never got into the Mass Effect games but something was different in this particular one. Was it the customization? Was it the gameplay? Or was it something else? I want to say that it was all of the above. Andromeda was a well-made game in my opinion and immediately had me hooked.

The customization was lacking some components but it was enough to make your character the way you wanted it to be. You either got to play as Sara Ryder or Scott Ryder. The specifics of this layout gave your character the ability to speak. I’m glad it was something like Skyrim where your character didn’t have that ability.

The gameplay was where it was at for me specifically. In Andromeda you could romance various characters on your team. I romanced Peebee with Sara Ryder, which many communities were enraged about the romances of lesbian and gay character or was it the cut-scenes….

The story was good if you enjoy exploring galaxies, trying to save humanity from extinction, or killing an evil alien race. The Archon was the man villain in the game, which I found was extremely annoying due to his obsession with an ancient alien technology. 

The gameplay was simply awesome especially the exploring of planets. This aspect got you to encounter different alien species, which was phenomenal. I enjoyed the aspects of romancing, story, and gameplay in Andromeda.

There were some things I did not like. Customization was highly limited and that kind of turned me off from the game a little. The other thing was that I wished that there were more planets to explore and change to livable conditions. 

I would give this game an 8/10. If you played the Mass Effects as a child, I suggest that you grab you a copy. If you’re like me then you will enjoy this Mass Effect game.

Monday, June 12, 2017

How Do I Look Batman? Injustice 2 Customization

Customization in video games is becoming more prominent than ever, especially in games like Overwatch, Tekken 7, Injustice 2, and many more games. Injustice 2 in particular is the game I have really enjoyed with its various customization of DC Comic characters. Being a huge fan of Batman, I was very excited to be able to customize my favorite comic book hero. Other characters that I have really enjoyed customizing are: Batman, Atrocitus, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg.

·      Head – Mark-11 Cowl
·      Torso – L. Fox Prototype Batsuit
·      Arms – Gauntlets of Mayhem
·      Legs – Meta-Aramid Fiber Greaves
·      Utility Belt – Dark Rogue’s Tech Belt
·      Ability – Bat Strike
·      Shade – The Gotham Knight
 The customization of Batman I feel will be something like my life’s work. I mean it’s awesome to be able to customize the Cape Crusader the way I see fit and make him even more spectacular.

·      Head – Mighty Rigid Face Mask
·      Torso – The Red Protector
·      Arms – Fortified Bitter Braces

·      Legs – Rage of Bleez
·      Dex-Starr – Lethal Bloodlash Dex-Starr
·      Ability – Caustic Pool
·      Shade – God (Alternate0
 My goal with Atrocitus is to make him as menacing as possible. The whole thing with the Red Lanterns is vengeance. Atrocitus is all about vengeance and rage. I do not know much about the Red Lanterns but Atrocitus’s customization will be something to behold.

Harley Quinn
·      Head – Destructive Lucy’s Favorite Gleeful Face
·      Torso – Solid Ivy’s Euphoric Corset
·      Arms – Ammo Sleeves
·      Legs – Destructive Harley’s Exuberant Legs   

·      Guns – Resilient Dr. Quinzel’s Gleeful Gats
·      Ability – Tick-Tock
·      Shade – Mad Love
 My goal with Harley Quinn is to make her as good looking as possible. I am going for that angel face but devilish personality. The red and black look is my personal favorite and reminds a little of Harley Quinn in the Arkham series.

Wonder Woman
·      Head – Tiara of Divine Tragedy
·      Torso – Diana’s Theatrical Chestplate 

·      Arms – Bracers of Rising Action
·      Legs – Smash Hit Boots
·      Arsenal – The Blade Braker
·      Abilities
o   Amalthea’s Protection
o   Air Amazonian Slam
·      Shade – Themysciran Legend (Alternate)
 The thing I like about my customization of Wonder Woman is the color scheme. The purple, grey, and blue suits the Amazonian princess. Wonder Woman is scary good when she reaches level 20.

·      Head – Alien Terrain Mask
·      Torso – Silas Stone’s Experimental Core  

·      Arms – Apokoliptian Alloy Arms
·      Legs – Lethal Victor’s High Tech Legs
·      Nova Blaster – Darkseid’s Judgment
·      Abilites
o   Boom Tube
o   Repair Circuit
·      Shade – Vic Stone 2.0 (Alternate)
 The thing with Cyborg is that he is a work in progress. I do like his look but I think I can do better with his customization. You can say that I want to make him look like his days in the Teen Titans. To recreate that look would be awesome and help me remember the good Teen Titans not the goofy Teen Titans Go.

The customization in this game is remarkable and I get this sensation of giddiness to make these heroes into the way I see fit for them. Not only do I get to make Batman look awesome but get to make to other characters look as awesome as intended. 

I commend the creators of this game that made the customization so remarkably awesome that you want more of the game. So if you love customization, fighting games, and superheroes go out and buy Injustice 2.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Letter from The Stationary Gamer

Dear Gamers,

We as gamers know that wonderful feeling of defeating that difficult game and going back to that game and dominate that game one more time. From Zelda to the mounds of Call of Duty Games to the many hours put into your favorite RPG, video games are becoming more extravagant, time consuming, and rewarding with each second you play them.

I have put in many hours in games like Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Persona 5. These games aren’t just good looking but they have great gameplay that help you get lost in a world that makes you forget about this thing called life. Don’t get me wrong life is really enjoyable but these games help you unwind and just be someone else for a change.

These RPG’s are the new good book that you cannot put down. Some people worry that putting a lot of time in video games is childish and nonproductive for adults. Video games can in fact stimulate your brain and is like the good book that you cannot put down, the second go around is more rewarding and satisfying.

The reward system in gaming is becoming the definition of satisfactory in the way you receive loot-boxes or any other rewards. Games like Overwatch, The Dragonball Xenoverse games, and Injustice 2 these loot-boxes help you customize your characters the way you want them to be.

Personally who wouldn’t want to be able to customize their favorite video game characters. With Injustice 2, I’ve made Batman so insanely awesome that I get this awe feeling that the time I have put in was worth it. I am sure most of us gamers get that feeling of awe all the time with incredible customization.

Regardless of how you customize your characters, the fact that you make these characters in the eyes you want is something amazing. Not only is it amazing but it is even more rewarding when you beat your game with the awesome character you customized into your own work of art. 

Video games are about self and how you want to represent yourself. This is awesome way to show people what you are about through games and the community you and these games belong to. So go out there, buy that game, and be yourself.

The Stationary Gamer